
MTG Playmats by BAXA

Created by Thomas M. Baxa

If you missed the MTG Playmats by BAXA Kickstarter, you can still get all of the great playmats and AddOns for a limited time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Playmats on Schedule!! And 5 Days Left to Place PreOrders
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 08:43:55 PM

This is exciting!  I've been seeing some photos of the first playmats coming off the presses at UltraPro as they've been testing the colors.  They're looking great.  I suspect I'll have them in hand sooner than expected.

REMINDER:  In 5 days I'll be locking orders in BackerKit, which means if you want to order any AddOns or bump up your order, now is the time!  Click on the link in the email you received to go to your Backer Survey to make adjustments.  

After I lock orders, I'll be charging your credit cards (unless you already paid with paypal), and everything will be finalized.

Thanks so much for being part of this Kickstarter.


Playmat Designs Approved
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 07:37:34 PM

I’ve been in touch with UltraPro and they recently sent me digital proofs of the playmats based on my original designs. I approved them, and I’m set to make payment for the mats. They will be going into production in late September, Just waiting my turn in line :)

Have a great 3 day weekend, full of good times and lotsa fun! 


Surveys + BackerKit Instructions
over 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 11:42:12 AM

BackerKit Helpful Hints

Here are some instructions on how you select which playmat you wanted, and which AddOns you pledged for in the Kickstarter Campaign. 

First off, BackerKit (BK) is a third party company that helps Kickstarter (KS) creators efficiently manage their campaign fulfillment. They work in conjunction with Kickstarter to make your experience easy and painless.

BK will send you a “Backer Survey” in the next couple days (just like KS normally does, but BK handles it). In the survey, you will see your pledge level and pledge amount, and questions. This is where you tell me what playmat(s) you wanted with your pledge. (addons are next)

After the questions, you move to the AddOns Section, which is like a store, where you add the AddOns that you already paid for during the campaign to your cart (don’t worry, you won’t be charged for these). You can order Additional AddOns at this time as well. 

BackerKit’s shopping cart starts by showing a credit for what you already paid in KS. As you add the items you pledged (including AddOns) it will subtract those amounts from your credit until you are at $0 owed. If you buy Additional AddOns in BK, you will pay for them with a credit card, like placing an order for more stuff.

Remember, you have not paid shipping fees yet in the KS campaign; they will be collected in BK. You may see one or two shipping fees. The “Base shipping fee” is the cost for just shipping the items in the KS pledge tier. The “Shipping fee” is the bump in shipping for any/all AddOns you added, either from the campaign or added later.

Sample of BackerKit cart
Sample of BackerKit cart

It might sound complicated, but it’s really not once you get there. And BK has good help files and backer support.

What If I missed the Campaign?

If you or your friends missed the campaign, you can still order AddOn items (including the playmats) by clicking the PREORDER button on the Kickstarter campaign page for a limited time:, or go to this link directly: Tell your friends who missed out to get theirs now. 

Thanks, Tom

Backer Surveys still coming
over 4 years ago – Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 07:11:19 PM

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that Backer Surveys DID NOT go out yet, so don't feel like you missed it.  Kickstarter charges everyone's cards immediately after the campaign, but take up to 7-10 days to allow for errors in payment to be rectified.  Then they take about a week to send me the proceeds. 

All avenues recommend that you wait until KS pays you to send out the surveys so everyone who pledged is on board.  So I'll be sending them shortly.

Hopefully, everything will run smoothly, but if when you get the survey, you notice something odd, please message me or Backerkit help right away.

Thanks, Tom

Funded - Thanks so much!!!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 12:10:31 AM

Well, we made it!  I was a little worried there, but we funded!  Now you all can get the playmats you wanted.  I'm so happy to be able to bring these to you.  They are some of my favorite Magic card images.

I can't thank you enough!
